
食品,百貨早餐燕麥,燕麥粥-McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)床的世界

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食品,百貨早餐燕麥,燕麥粥McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)折價券,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)哪裡買,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)哪裡有,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)新光三越,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)大遠百,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)板橋遠百,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)麗寶百貨,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)家樂福,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)大潤發,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)全聯,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)宅配,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)台中大遠百,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)新竹巨城,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)台茂,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)宜蘭,McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)忠孝東路們我記關招得意看們往這故。

如果你還在考慮McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~


  • Ready In 5 Minutes
  • 床的世界

  • 100% Whole Grain - 40 g Or More Per Serving

  • Eat 48 g or More of Whole Grains Daily

  • Imported From Ireland

We've been warming the hearts, minds and souls of髮旺旺 the most discriminating oatmeal lovers for over 150 years. Enjoy the all natural, whole grain, goodness of McCann's Irish Oatmeal today.

100% Whole Grain Goodness無痕褲

Soluble fiber from oatmeal, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of oatmeal supplies 2 grams of the 3 grams of beta glucan soluble fiber necessary per day to have this effect.

The light heart lives long.

-Irish Proverb

髮旺旺Looking for a quick and easy way to get the benefits of Steel Cut Oats?

Steel Cuts Oats are a long standing tradition in Ireland where the rich soil and moist climate produce some of the finest oats in the world.

One look tells you that Steel Cut Oats are different. The outer husk is removed from the oat kernel which is then cut into pieces using steel discs. That's it! (No steaming and rolling like conventional oats). The result is a truly distinct flavor and texture that delivers the goodness of unprocessed. 100% whole grain oats.

Diet experts and nutritionists are recommending Steel Cut Oats as the perfect start to your morning. A hearty bowl of McCann's Steel Cut Oats, unlike most highly processed breakfast cereals, gives you sustained energy to power you through your morning.

Ready in minutes

We know you're in a hurry, so these oats blend state of the art technology with time honored tradition and need only 5 minutes to cook!

Each 床的世界serving of Steel Cut Oatmeal contains 2 grams of soluble fiber.

McCann's Irish Oatmeal, 快速,簡單,鋼切,無麩質,愛爾蘭燕麥,16盎司(454克)






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